Dear Beloved One,
I’ve felt a deep calling to share some reflections from my recent journaling, particularly on what I need to feel safe during these times of change. If you find yourself on a similar path, I hope these words bring you support or inspiration in your personal journey of remembering.
If this sharing resonates with you, I would love to hear any thoughts or feelings it stirs within you—anything that feels called to be expressed.
What do I need to feel safe?
At first, my thoughts turned to the practical—knowing my next steps, securing financial stability, finding a stable place to rest. But then I paused, delving deeper, and asked again: what do I truly need to feel safe, each day, regardless of where I am or what swirls around me?
The answer emerged, pure and unwavering—need to trust in myself. I need to know, with every fiber of my being, that whatever life brings, I can navigate it, just as I always have. If we reflect on all the times we've stumbled and then risen again, we realise that with each fall, we’ve been building a deeper trust within ourselves. Even when doubt clouded our minds and fear took hold, we found a way through. We always have, and we always will.
You carry everything you need within you—trust in that truth, and you will always feel safe, regardless of where you are or the situation you find yourself in.The moment you deeply realise this, fear will loosen its grip. You will no longer feel unsafe, insecure, or as though you’re lacking something essential, because you will know that you have yourself and everything you seek is within, patiently waiting for you to remember where it lies and how to wield it.
It’s waiting for you to remember who you truly are.
I am deeply grateful for creating a sacred space this past week to pause, reflect, and integrate all that has unfolded in the past six months and throughout my life. Looking back, I see how I’ve always been there for myself, gathering the pieces, providing exactly what I needed in each and every moment along the way.
I’ve done it before and I can do it again, so as you.
May I remember that I stand on the threshold of one of the most transformative and life-altering periods of my journey. I am on the cusp of birthing a new version of myself and a new life, still to be discovered.
Instead of judging myself for not aligning with the expectations—my own or others’—may I be compassionate and ask, how can I best support myself in this sacred time of transformation? May I allow myself the grace to rest and the time I need to flow gently through these changes.
I’ll take inspiration from the Eucalyptus tree, shedding its bark with ease, allowing new layers to surface naturally. From the flowers around me, surrendering their petals to the earth, becoming the fertile soil from which new life will spring.
Nature teaches us that growth requires release, and that it’s not only okay but necessary to take our time through it.
What an exciting time to be alive, to explore the limitless potential life has to offer!
In the darkness, we find the seeds of what we want to create, and there is no need to rush. Let’s remember what it felt to be a child—when the unknown was a playground for curiosity, imagination, creativity, enthusiasm, and playfulness. When everything we ever dreamt of felt possible to create in this reality. From that space we are able to create the lives we have always been longing for, what our hearts desire.
When there is nothing left to loose, and we carry the wisdom and medicine born of past challenges what could possibly go wrong ?
I wish to surrender and trust that I am exactly where I’m meant to be. I trust that I have everything I need within, in divine guidance, in the presence of my guides and angels, in the wisdom of my ancestors and past lives, guiding and supporting me through this human experience.
May there be love, clarity and light in our hearts, bodies, minds and souls.
With love and light,